The excitement of selecting and embarking on a new technology after a long and detailed evaluation is often short lived.   Very quickly the exhilaration can turn into frustration when the delivery becomes challenging. Scope creep, project timeline slippage and internal resource dependencies often become the order of the day.

So, What Does Make A Successful Implementation?

At psKINETIC, our starting point is always to work with our clients to focus on how we can achieve a 10 x return on their initial investment for them.  We do this by adding a critical phase into the initial implementation, focusing on the people, business pains, minimising dependencies and concentrating on providing the 10 x Return on Delivery.

Technology is the enabler that provides the building blocks.  True success comes from a well-defined, focused, agile delivery.  What is important for a successful implementation?

  • Defining early success criteria focusing on a 10 x return on initial investment
  • Building a strong project implementation document that everyone signs up to
  • Having senior stakeholder buy-in to push down the importance of achieving given milestones
  • Measuring key deliverables and behaviours at each checkpoint
  • Highlighting risks and impacts immediately
  • Religiously sticking to project implementation plan

Of course, once a project is successfully delivered it doesn’t stop there…. Post-production support is required and is just as important…. But that’s another article about psKINETIC’s valued Managed Application Service.

To find out more, contact Vikki Hailey

Author:  Vikki Hailey, Sales & Marketing Director, psKINETIC